Injected Objects Became Null After Upgrading To Roboguice 3
Solution 1:
Adding this to the application class will solve the immediate issue. It should also work if added to the default launch activity.
static {
The AnnotationDatabaseImpl class is generated by Roboblender at compile time.
Getting the annotations database working:
The compiler argument "guiceAnnotationDatabasePackageName" decides what package the generated AnnoationsDatabaseImpl class is assigned to.
For maven builds:
Then in the application manifest, inside the application element add a meta data tag that references the generated class.
<meta-data android:name="roboguice.annotations.packages" android:value=""/>
If you make these changes and are using intellij, then re-importing your Maven pom will apply these changes. Alternatively, in Intellij you can assign a compiler argument to get the annotation to be created.
This would go under Additional command line parameters in Settings/Build,Executions,Deployment/Java Compiler
Hope this helps and saves you some grief :)
Solution 2:
I get the same error while using it with gradle and Android Studio
I added the following to build.gradle file:
allprojects {
gradle.projectsEvaluated {
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
options.compilerArgs << ""
Added the following to AndroidManifest.xml:
<meta-data android:name="roboguice.annotations.packages" android:value=""/>
Solution 3:
The issue can be resolved by passing in the context properly. If you are extending the application class then Inject a Context using roboguice and then when you are injecting POJOs then pass context in them.
This worked for me.
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