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Android Loop Update Textview

I am trying to create a loop that will update a TextView. The idea is to create some sort of progress indicator, that will increment the loading precentge. This is what I have trie

Solution 1:

Your Runnable blocks the UI thread when doing Thread.sleep. Instead of sleeping, you should post a new Runnable again. Try with something like this:

finalHandlerhandler=newHandler(); newRunnable(){ 

    publicvoidrun() {
        finalTextViewprogess= (TextView)findViewById(;
        progess.setText(String.valueOf(k) + "%");

        if( k <= 100 )
            // Here `this` refers to the anonymous `Runnable`
            handler.postDelayed(this, 15);

That will give the UI thread a chance to run between each call, letting it do its stuff like handling input and drawing stuff on the screen.

Solution 2:

You use background thread and UI Thread.

public class testAsync extends AsyncTask<Void, Integer, Voi>{

TextView progress; // You will set TextView referans

protected void doInBackground(){

 for(int k=1 ; k<=100; k++)


    try {
   } catch(InterruptedException e) {}
protected void onProgressUpdate(Integer.. values)



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