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Safe To Reset A Mediaplayer In Preparing State?

I'm writing an audio player using MediaPlayer that allows the user to skip the actual tune. A skip request might occur at any time, including between a call to MediaPlayer.prepareA

Solution 1:

I also built a stream music player and struggled with the preparing state. The worse part of it was that there were some streams where prepare() hung forever downloading (buffering) data without ever calling onBufferUpdate. Calling release did nothing. So, the way I did it was calling reset() on the stuck MediaPlayer from anotherthread after 15 seconds despite the recommendations in the docs. This caused it to throw an exception and brought it to error state. After catching the exception I called release(). This seems to have solved the problem. I hope this will be useful to someone.

Solution 2:

In my opinion i will follow the advice in the docs, i found several issues with player in different devices (in some devices is not stable at all reusing the same player).

I think a good option is to have to players allocated, and switch between them when user skips a tune, then you wait for the original player to arrive to prepared state and then you reset it safely.

Solution 3:

I'm facing an issue when MP "hangs" at preparing state too long (stream) and i'm trying to stop it using reset(). This causes MP to hang and thus my whole app freezes. Seems like there is no way to stop MP at preparing state. Im thinking on use prepare() wrapped in thread instead of prepareAsync(). Then i'll be able to kill that thread. As for now i did it in following way:

try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            android.util.Log.d(TAG,"actionCancel(): mp.setDataSource() exception");

and it works 4me.

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