Checkbox And Setonitemclicklistener Not Working In Android
Solution 1:
To make your listview focusable, remove focus from the items themselves. Add the following after instantiating listview:
Then add the following to your list_item.xml
With this, your setOnItemClickListener()
will get called
Solution 2:
You can get the instance of CheckBox inside onItemClick()
by using setTag()
and getTag()
. You can setTag the CheckBox instance inside your getView()
method as
convertView.setTag(, viewHolder.checkbox);
And get the instance inside onItemClick()
CheckBoxcheckbox= (CheckBox) v.getTag(;
If you have any further query you can check my blog post
Solution 3:
Don't use onClick. Use OnCheckedChange
holder.checkbox.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {
public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton compoundButton, boolean isChecked) {
if (isChecked) {
} else {
Keep in mind that CheckBox inherit from CompoundButton for ICS's switch compatibility.
Solution 4:
Focusable view in the list item prevents the firing of onListItemClick()
in the ListActivity
when the list item is clicked. But the effect of onListItemClick()
can be achieved with OnClickListener
. Read here more about this
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