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Android Edittext Unlimited Text Length

is there a device specific limitation (other then total free memory size) to text length or line count in scrollable multiline EditText when android:maxLength and android:maxLines

Solution 1:

Adding android:maxLength="99999999" to your layout file fixes this!

Solution 2:

I had this same problem, and setting android:maxLength="999999 in the XML didn't fix this. But programmatically setting the length filter worked, like this:

EditTextmPrimaryPhoneField= (EditText) findViewById(;
    InputFilter[] phoneFilterArray = newInputFilter[1];
    //This needs to be a large number to fix a bug on Samsung Galaxy tablet where it would have a default limitation on numeric fields if you had no length filter at all.
    phoneFilterArray[0] = newInputFilter.LengthFilter(100);

Solution 3:

Removing at all the maxLength property and adding android:inputType="textLongMessage|textMultiLine" to the layout file fixed it for me.

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