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Parsing Json Array With Numbers As Keys Using Jackson?

How to parse following kind of JSON Array using Jackson with preserving order of the content: { '1': { 'title': 'ABC', 'category': 'Video', }, '2': { 'title': 'DE

Solution 1:

One simple solution: rather than deserializing it directly as an array/list, deserialize it to a SortedMap<Integer, Value> and then just call values() on that to get the values in order. A bit messy, since it exposes details of the JSON handling in your model object, but this is the least work to implement.

@Testpublicvoiddeserialize_object_keyed_on_numbers_as_sorted_map()throws Exception {
    SortedMap<Integer, Value> container = mapper
            .reader(newTypeReference<SortedMap<Integer, Value>>() {})
                    "{ 1: { title: 'ABC', category: 'Video' }, 2: { title: 'DEF', category: 'Video' }, 3: { title: 'XYZ', category: 'Video' } }");
            contains(newValue("ABC", "Video"), newValue("DEF", "Video"), newValue("XYZ", "Video")));

publicstaticfinalclassValue {
    publicfinal String title;
    publicfinal String category;

    @JsonCreatorpublicValue(@JsonProperty("title") String title, @JsonProperty("category") String category) {
        this.title = title;
        this.category = category;

But if you want to just have a Collection<Value> in your model, and hide this detail away, you can create a custom deserializer to do that. Note that you need to implement "contextualisation" for the deserializer: it will need to be aware of what the type of the objects in your collection are. (Although you could hardcode this if you only have one case of it, I guess, but where's the fun in that?)

@Testpublicvoiddeserialize_object_keyed_on_numbers_as_ordered_collection()throws Exception {
    CollectionContainercontainer= mapper
                    "{ values: { 1: { title: 'ABC', category: 'Video' }, 2: { title: 'DEF', category: 'Video' }, 3: { title: 'XYZ', category: 'Video' } } }");
            equalTo(newCollectionContainer(ImmutableList.of(newValue("ABC", "Video"), newValue("DEF", "Video"),
                    newValue("XYZ", "Video")))));

publicstaticfinalclassCollectionContainer {
    @JsonDeserialize(using = CustomCollectionDeserializer.class)publicfinal Collection<Value> values;

    @JsonCreatorpublicCollectionContainer(@JsonProperty("values") Collection<Value> values) {
        this.values = ImmutableList.copyOf(values);

(note definitions of hashCode(), equals(x) etc. are all omitted for readability)

And finally here comes the deserializer implementation:

publicstaticfinalclassCustomCollectionDeserializerextendsStdDeserializer<Collection<?>> implementsContextualDeserializer {
    private JsonDeserializer<Object> contentDeser;

    publicCustomCollectionDeserializer() {

    publicCustomCollectionDeserializer(JavaType collectionType, JsonDeserializer<Object> contentDeser) {
        this.contentDeser = contentDeser;

    @Overridepublic JsonDeserializer<?> createContextual(DeserializationContext ctxt, BeanProperty property)
            throws JsonMappingException {
        if (!property.getType().isCollectionLikeType()) throw ctxt
                .mappingException("Can only be contextualised for collection-like types (was: "
                        + property.getType() + ")");
        JavaTypecontentType= property.getType().getContentType();
        returnnewCustomCollectionDeserializer(property.getType(), ctxt.findContextualValueDeserializer(
                contentType, property));

    @Overridepublic Collection<?> deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException,
            JsonProcessingException {
        if (contentDeser == null) throw ctxt.mappingException("Need context to produce elements of collection");
        SortedMap<Integer, Object> values = newTreeMap<>();
        for (JsonTokent= p.nextToken(); t != JsonToken.END_OBJECT; t = p.nextToken()) {
            if (t != JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) throw ctxt.wrongTokenException(p, JsonToken.FIELD_NAME,
                    "Expected index field");
            Integerindex= Integer.valueOf(p.getText());
            Objectvalue= contentDeser.deserialize(p, ctxt);
            values.put(index, value);
        return values.values();

This covers at least this simple case: things like the contents of the collection being polymorphic types may require more handling: see the source of Jackson's own CollectionDeserializer.

Also, you could use UntypedObjectDeserializer as a default instead of choking if no context is given.

Finally, if you want the deserializer to return a List with the indices preserved, you can modify the above and just insert a bit of post-processing of the TreeMap:

int capacity = values.lastKey() + 1;
        Object[] objects = newObject[capacity];
        values.forEach((key, value) -> objects[key] = value);
        return Arrays.asList(objects);

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