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Start Activity From Preference Screen (intent Defined In Xml File)

In my preference file I go this Copy

set an intent filter in your activity inside manifest.xml

<activity...><intent-filter><actionandroid:name="your.action.string"/><categoryandroid:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /></intent-filter></activity>

Solution 2:

try this


Solution 3:

This isn't the right way to start an intent from xml. The android:action field isn't for the name of the activity you are trying to start; it describes an action for an intent-filter (such as android.intent.action.VIEW or android.intent.action.EDIT) that another activity can supply.

See this answer for the correct use of <intent>, android:action, etc:

Make sure that in your AndroidManifest.xml, your activity contains an <intent-filter> with the <action> that you are requesting in your PreferenceActivity (in the answer referenced, this is android.intent.action.VIEW).

Solution 4:

In your manifest :

This is the definition for your activity called [your package].MainActivity.

<activityandroid:name=".MainActivity"><intent-filter><actionandroid:name="example.action.ACTION_MAIN_ACTIVITY" /><categoryandroid:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /></intent-filter></activity>

Also, try using a PreferenceScreen:


for more details please see this link... starting an activity from preferences.xml

Solution 5:

You should do something like this in your intent declaration inside the preference xml:


Note:targetPackage should be same as the package property declared inside the manifest tag of AndroidManifest.xml. This is confusing sometimes, so read it again.

So equivalent AndroidManifest.xml would have declaration like this:


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